About What is Diverse Biotech?

Diverse Biotech is a drug discovery and development company that licenses out hit-to-lead (early-stage novel molecules) and advanced (late-stage, de-risked) therapeutic molecules that are pre-positioned for the clinical trial process with the FDA.

Innovation & Medical Discovery

Diverse Biotech, Inc

The Diverse Biotech asset pipeline is not a “single-drug” or “single-disease” strategy. We leverage our proprietary, patented IP repository, which contains thousands of novel, lead molecules across a wide range of drug classes.

  • Chemotherapies
  • Beta Lactams (Antibiotics)
  • Antibody-Drug Complexes (ADC’s)
  • Platinum Agents
  • Anti-protozoals / Antiviral agents
  • Cardiac medicines
  • Anti-hypertensives
  • Diabetes medicines
  • Neurologic’s, neuroleptics
  • Non-steroidal’s, steroids
  • Auto-immune therapies
  • Arthritis (osteo, rheumatoid, psoriatic) therapies
  • Ulcerative colitis therapies
  • Hemophilia therapies
  • Anti-helmintics
  • Anti-psychotics
  • Ophthalmologic’s
  • Antibiotics
  • Dermatologics
  • HIV therapies
  • Hepatitis B and C therapies

Increasing Value is the Goal

Our short-term goal is to enhance the value of our entire IP pipeline by advancing downstream proof-of-concept studies. Each molecule proven to demonstrate increased effectiveness and every molecule successfully licensed out further elevates the overall value of our portfolio.

We anticipate filing an IND for our lead molecule, DBT-30180, as a first-line therapy for glioblastoma by the end of Q2 2026. FDA acceptance of this filing will significantly increase the company’s valuation and unlock numerous new licensing opportunities.

Our Identity

We are disrupters

Our innovative approach redefines drug development. By starting with FDA-approved parent drugs that are already well-understood, we reduce downstream development risk while achieving a high level of effectiveness. We combine these parent drugs with specific cannabinoids at a molecular level creating novel molecules that outperform traditional therapies. Our new molecules demonstrate superior properties: improved efficacy, delivery, and safety when compared to the parent drug individually, the cannabinoid individually, or any conventional combination therapy using the parent drug and the cannabinoid.

Our Patents


US 11877988

US 12121584

US 17622319

AU 2020366257